Captain America: Brave New World 2025

The new superhero, Sam Wilson, who is the replacement of Captain America, is taken away from all his business by President Thaddeus Ross. As situations come to a climax, he stumbles upon a dreadful scheme that threatens the whole world. There are also enemies that help their enemies covertly and Sam has to do something about it. He has to fight his way through political games, form an unlikely alliance and combat his adversaries to the death. Meanwhile, the endgame of the real villain thereby escalates the stakes. Will Captain America succeed in averting the disaster that befalls the world? The twists and turns in the storyline and the fact that Brave New World is chocked-full of action make it a difficult road for Sam. Follow Levidia for more.

Captain America Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Captain America: Brave New World (2025)
Genres: 2025 Movies | Action, Adventure, Animation, Sci-Fi
Director: Julius Onah
Writer: Rob Edwards, Malcolm Spellman, Dalan Musson
Stars: Anthony Mackie, Harrison Ford, Danny Ramirez