The movie Jurassic Pet: Return to the Wild tells the story of a family that finds a hidden magical portal to a place where there are unexposed dinosaurs, when they are filming a documentary. They come across Spike, a young, mischievous dinosaur, while ils journey. They then make an attempt at capturing him. This results in a thrilling journey that is full of unknown challenges as they discover the marvels and hazards of this prehistoric land. Follow Levidia for more.
The Adventures of Jurassic Pet Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: The Adventures of Jurassic Pet: Return to the Wild (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Adventure, Family
Director: Ryan Bellgardt, Chris Hoyt
Writer: Chris Hoyt, Jerome Reygner-Kalfon, Sebastien Semon
Stars: Jobie James, Nancy Harding, Ava Torres